Teenager Maddy Smith is hiding an extraordinary secret about who she really is, which is a wolfblood, even from her closest friends. But when new boy Rhydian Morris turns up at school, Maddy finds out he is a wolfblood too and has a hard time letting him on their territory.
All credit to the creators of the Wolfblood tv show (Netflix). This my book adaption of the show.
Wolfblood is a British tv show. It's about 2 wolfbloods (similar to werewolves), Maddy Smith, and Rhydian Morris in their rural town Stoneybridge in the UK. I am starting from Season 1 Episode 1, and will be sticking mostly to the plot until season 3. When the fan favourites Maddy, and Rhydian leave the show due to their actors and schooling.
If you haven't watched Wolfblood, you'll be able to understand everything from season 1 episode 1, (tv show spoiler) however during season3 (of 5) I am going to be changing things to keep Rhydian and Maddy as the main characters.
I'm writing switch POV between Maddy and Rhydian, one chapter will be equal to one episode of the show, which can be found on Netflix. I want to dive a little deeper into Rhydian and Maddy's characters, I feel they are very complex characters, which the show barely touches on.
Castiel awakes from a coma with amnesia and a supposed husband. Cas struggles with his memories, his health, and the journey to rediscover his feelings for Dean.