In the high-stakes world of Archeron Industries, ambitious Sunniva Callisto works as personal assistant to the enigmatic CEO, Zhang Severus Archeron. Unbeknownst to Sunniva, a secret pact binds them: a childhood arranged marriage orchestrated by their mothers, lifelong friends. Zhang, cold and emotionally distant, maintains a strictly professional façade, hiding his growing attraction to Sunniva while struggling with family duty. Sunniva, fiercely independent, excels at her job, unaware of her unexpected betrothal. Their professional relationship is a simmering tension of unspoken attraction and carefully guarded secrets. The discovery of their arranged marriage throws Sunniva's life into turmoil, forcing a confrontation that exposes their hidden vulnerabilities and conflicting desires. Zhang must choose between family obligation and his burgeoning feelings, while Sunniva grapples with tradition and her own aspirations. Their journey is a delicate dance between duty and love, a fight for open communication, and a tentative step toward a future where an unexpected union might blossom into something real. This is a story of self-discovery, trust, and the surprising power of love to overcome secrets and expectations.