"To be able to fulfill your wish, one must wear a panty with a specific colour blue for health,orange for success and red for love while eating 12 grapes under the table as the clock strikes at twelve."
That was the new year tradition Juniper had been following for the past 2 years and it all worked while wearing orange underwear which enticed success, Now she's ready to find love and she is determined to wear a red panty. Her determination became vain when she saw the big "SOLD OUT" sign upon the grape sections. Desperate, she grabs the closet fruit available, the tiny yet juicy fruits - clementines. She thought that color orange brought her luck for the past year so why not use it as a substitute for this year?
As the countdown ended, she choked on her last slice of clementine then blacked out. When she woke up, her head was spinning, and a ridiculously handsome man was staring down at her with a surprise and questioning look on his face. Still woozy, she blurted out, "Gagi... it actually worked"
Adriana Pierce, a girl who just fainted from overwork. When she woke up, she suddenly came from another world. And it's not just that! She came from the world of the book that she read before she fainted!
How did this happen to Adriana? What will she do?
Let's see how she will cope up with her new life in the world of the book or so she thought.