Septem Numina is a magical and ancient town, hidden in the folds of an eternal time. To find it, we should travel between plateus and Norwegian cliffs, through flowery valleys, between fields and bays from the ocean.
In the town it lives magical creatures and human beings, but it's hard to tell ones from the others. In fact, spirit animals, wizards, witches and normal citizens have been living in their stone houses for so long now, that nobody pays attentions to their rarities. And after so long, they're all a bit alike! Except spirit animals, who are very, very illuminated and ghosty, and look like forest animals! Wizards and witches of the valley call them so they can take care of the youngest ones in town.
This story is told, precisely, by one of them: Niestgou, the spirit animal of the twins Leo and Bellatrix.
Junie is an 18 year old girl with a history of physical/emotional abuse. She has been seeing her esthetician for almost a year about her skin concerns and they have a great bond. But what happens when she forces her to be her little?
Will she grow to like it? Read to find out.
*Cover photo is not mine, message me to have it removed*