In the distant future, where the world has turned into a vast desert, the last oasis becomes a myth, pursued by desperate survivors. The main character, who has forgotten his name and past, wanders through the sandy wastelands, trying to find evidence of the existence of this place. On his way there are ruins of a long-lost civilization, traces of mysterious people and echoes of the catastrophe that destroyed the world.
Every step brings him closer to the mystery of the Helios project, the experiment that led to the destruction of the planet. As the hero progresses, he faces not only a physical struggle for survival, but also inner fears, questions about his identity and the meaning of life in a world where everything is doomed to perish.
This is a story about hope, perseverance and the search for oneself in an environment where only ghosts remain from the past, and the future is shrouded in mirages. But does the oasis really exist? Or is it just an illusion created for those who cannot accept the final end?