( rewrite )
Huntingtown was panicking; no one knew where the sirens were coming from. There was no electricity, and there was no way for the storm Sirens to be sounding, yet they were. The entire Town was awake; everyone had a weapon. They had grabbed guns, knives, swords, and bats if they could be wielded and used for self-defense; Renee aimed her rifle at the trees, looking desperately for an explanation. Why would a siren sound? They only sounded when they were in Danger, so where was the Danger? When the predators revealed themselves, that was where the siren noise was coming from.
Renee could feel her heart jump into her throat. Her face went pale; they were here. They had found the Town. Terror and panic soon swept Huntingtown; everyone knew what those monsters could do. After all, they conquered the planet and imposed the "choosing." Huntingtown was created hoping that its isolation in a cold climate would keep the Predators away, but it didn't. A voice came over those speakers. A male voice Gruff and laced with a growl. It was almost as if whoever was speaking was annoyed and angry.
"Although I have enjoyed seeing your little Town outmaneuver many hunters. I am afraid this is where your little games end. However, I will give you a chance to keep your freedom. A hunt. Your best hunter, Renee Madison, will lead you."
Renee felt her blood go cold as she stared wide-eyed at the ship. She was unknowingly dropping her gun at the news.
" she will be your leader; she will be my prize. You have a time advantage. Go!"
The ship took off, looking for a place to land, all while the news sank into the Town's residence. Renee had known she had fucked up when she fired at one of those predators and hit him. She had proven herself worthy of the hunt. Now she has to face the consequences, and not only her but her entire Town has to. Renee had to win this hunt; the fate of her Town depended on it.
"I have a plan, Cindy," Eros said, briefly looking down at me. I must've looked pretty pale because he seemed a bit concerned. "You're not afraid of dogs, are you?"
When Cindy accidentally saves the life of a monster, she is pulled into a world of danger and conspiracies.
Will her life ever return to normal? And after spending more and more time alongside a monster with dreamy eyes, can she ever forget what she's learnt - and what she's felt?