August 17, 1984. A small, quiet suburban town lies deep into the state of Olkahoma, where a small family of three reside. Taken from an oblivious point of view, they seem to be a small yet stable family.
Yet don't let this fool you.
The parents, Ashley & Matthew Merritt, are going through as what can only be described as a situationship, ten years into their marriage. Their fourteen-year-old daughter Angel, is trapped in the middle of it all. Having to deal with the burden of a failing marriage between her parents, her sympathetic counselor Adjani Martinez is the only person she can speak up about her mental stability with. But when he gets burnt alive in a church fire, skinning him and revealing muscle tissue and is now in the hospital Ashley works at, turns Angel's mental health into a spiral.
Years and years ago, Angel met a boy named Jonas when she was a little girl. They have been close friends ever since. Yet Jonas had began to exhibit odd behaviors. He felt off, and Angel knew something was wrong. Questioning him, Jonas reveals information about himself and Angel that she didn't even know of.
"Adjani, when Jonas told me of this information, something inside of me began to crack. I ran to the bathroom, and I stabbed my self purposely with a knife. I didn't feel anything, I was immune to the pain. As I tore myself apart, I realized I was internally hollow, like I could scream inside and it could echo. But then I slowly began to see the faint black silhouette of a boy as lost as I. There is a boy living inside of me, Adjani. Everyday since the incident, I would hide out in the bathroom every night and cut myself open to reveal what I am truly made up of. But I'm tired of this. I'm not going to hide out in the bathroom for nobody anymore. I'm not going to repress the man inside of me. I'll be whom I am truly meant to be. Long live the new flesh."
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