Kai dešimtokų klasėje pasirodo naujokas, visi laukia jo atėjimo su nekantrumu, tačiau netikėtai jis tampa žudymo auka. Prieš pat vakarėlį, skirtą jo garbei, jis yra nužudytas, o klasės draugai Karolina Majers, Semas Manelis, Katerina Tremben ir Simas Krindelis priversti susidurti su šokiruojančia realybe: jų klasėje gali būti žudikas.
Nors naujokas dar net spėjo įsilieti į jų gyvenimą, jo praeitis, kupina patyčių ir intrigos, atsiskleidžia po žudymo. Kiekvienas klasės draugas turi savo paslaptis, o pasitikėjimas vienas kitu greitai tirpsta. Karolina, išmani ir drąsi, imasi iniciatyvos išsiaiškinti tiesą, tačiau Semas, garsėjantis savo aštriu protu, ir Katerina, nuolat analizuojanti situacijas, ne visada sutaria dėl sprendimų.
Tuo tarpu Simas, dažnai laikomas klasės juokdariu, slepia daugiau nei tik juokelius. Ar jie sugebės išsiaiškinti, kas iš tiesų stovi už šio baisaus nusikaltimo, ar liks pasimetę tarp draugystės ir pasitikėjimo?
,,Klasės žudikas" - tai įtempta detektyvinė istorija apie paslaptis, išdavystes ir kovą su patyčiomis, kuri privers ne tik herojus, bet ir skaitytojus apmąstyti, kas iš tiesų yra geras draugas, o kas gali tapti pavojumi.
Meet Thakur Rudra Pratap Singh, a 35-year-old man who heads the powerful Mandawa Thakur family, known for their historical dominance. Despite being immensely wealthy and influential, his heart is hardened due to internal family conflicts, turning him into a stoic figure. He made a solemn vow to his mother to prioritize the family above all else, even sacrificing the prospect of marriage to dedicate himself entirely to their success.
However, his devotion to his family becomes his burden as they become the source of his inner turmoil. His tough exterior makes him unapproachable, instilling fear in those who dare to interact with him.
Yet, fate intervenes and introduces someone unexpected into his life.
Enter Paridhi, a 22-year-old girl from an upper-middle-class family. She exudes sweetness and innocence, though she tends to keep to herself, opening up only to those close to her. Her life seems on track, especially as she nears the fulfillment of her dream: marrying the love of her life. However, when circumstances force her to compromise and accept her family's wishes, she reluctantly complies.
But what happens when their significant age difference becomes a factor? Will they be able to bridge the gap and accept each other despite the odds stacked against them?
This is a tale of shattered trust, broken by those closest to them. Amidst such turmoil, will they find understanding and acceptance in each other's arms?
Do not copy.