Sky: A Journey of a Lifetime
In the heart of the 18th century, a time marked by discoveries and upheaval, Sky, a twelve-year-old boy, finds himself plunged into a series of challenges, each more captivating than the last. Death, separation, and heart-wrenching choices stand in his way, testing his determination and courage. Sky must face formidable trials, such as being separated from his mother, with whom he shares a deep friendship. Their distance is a heavy burden to bear, but he knows that every decision he makes can either bring him closer to or drive him further away from those he loves. Along the way, he will encounter new people, swinging between genuine friendships and unexpected betrayals. In this rapidly changing world, caught between industrial evolution and the fight for independence, Sky must choose his own destiny while navigating a universe filled with uncertainties and dangers. IT'S TIME TO CHOOSE YOUR DESTINY, SKY."