Harry Potter, next generation. Rose Granger-Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy are both in their sixth year at Hogwarts. But while the latter is enjoying his time at school with his best friend, Albus Potter, and has nothing but school to worry about, Rose's reality is quite different. She has always been the golden child in her family, always expected to get high grades and do great in life. And while she appreciated her family believing in her, it was also extremely stressful for the red-haired girl. Worst of all, that Malfoy kid was starting to make her feel all sort of things, leaving her both terrified and intrigued. She knew that Scorpius was forbidden territory, and that having any sort of nice interaction with him would be seen as bad in her family, but she simply can't help herself. Meanwhile, it's no secret that Scorpius had liked her from the very first time they've met, and all of Hogwarts knew about his feelings for her. Which only made everything worse for Rose.
Every attemp of Rose's to avoid Scorpius and her feeling for him becomes useless when she breaks her leg during a Quidditch match and Scorpius is encharged of taking care of her. To make things worse, her current boyfriend is starting to show more and more red flags, and Scorpius is noticing everything. She'll soon find an unlikely ally in him, but is she really ready to give into her feelings, risking her reputation as the golden child?
After her death in her previous life, a young woman was reborn in a new world with a unique, but powerful gamer system. Watch as she grows stronger, and finds love along the way!
[Notable Achievements] - [Number 1 on Godlike, Number 1 on Hope Mikaelson, Number 1 on Legacies, Number 1 on Lesbian, Number 1 on Futanari, Number 1 on Overpowered, Number 1 on Harry Potter, Number 1 on StrongtoStronger, Number 1 on Gamer, Number 1 on Sophieturner, Number 1 on Danmachi]
[Harem/Polgamy of 5 girls]