In all basics, this is the rough it was given when written. -In a world where the rich and poor are separated. The poor being forced to live in the slums in the dangerous, shadowy dirty city separated by a big metal wall. Droid from the upper city picks up Pezzy at an auction after his mother told him and his brother it was finally time to get their own pet.- Some things to note. I do not ship the real-life people in this book. This is all a silly little story that I had in my head. Stating that if they are to find this book and want it taken down, I am more than welcome to do so. Trigger warnings for this book include the following: -Death 🪦 -Gűns 🔫 -P0lice vi0lence 👮♂️ -Blo0d 🩸 -S@ ⚠️ -DV [Domestic Vi0lence] and/or Vi0lence in anyway 🥊 -Mature themes 🔞 -SH 🔪 -D£ugs 🍃 -Alc0hol 🥃 -G@ng Vi0lence 👥️ Most chapters will be marked, or the section of which it starts will be marked I do apologize of some of the guys are written wrong, I do not watch all of them however feel it is best they are added to the story Cover art by Itz_Azrael🌌 on twtAll Rights Reserved