"Eternal Return" is a psychological thriller that delves deep into the mind of Aiden, a man trapped in a mysterious cycle of death and rebirth. Every time he dies, he wakes up exactly two days before the fatal accident that ends his life, reliving the same moments with the horrifying knowledge of what will come.
As the cycle repeats endlessly, Aiden becomes desperate, trying everything he can think of to break free-from self-destruction to searching for answers in the memories of his past. But each time he dies, the pain of his previous attempts builds upon him, leaving him more fractured and broken.
With each cycle, Aiden grows more desperate and consumed by the torment of repetition. He is forced to confront his own fears, regrets, and the haunting sense that his life has already been lived countless times before. In the end, he uncovers a terrifying truth: he has died millions of times, and his memories, once vivid, are starting to fade, leaving him to question his very existence.