The River's Daughter follows the journey of 12-year-old Coira Pryxis, a adventurous girl from District 4 who has spent her life in the orphanage of Mrs. Sailor. When she is unexpectedly reaped for the Hunger Games, Coira feels hopeless, convinced that survival is beyond her reach. But with the encouragement of her mentor Mags, whose she has spent many hours at the beach with, she resolves to live her final days with as much joy as possible-embracing each moment, no matter how fleeting.
Within the arena, Coira forms unexpected friendships with Brand and Twiggy, two tributes who, like her, refuse to be defined by the odds stacked against them. Together, they navigate a deadly, wild landscape where survival is uncertain and danger is always lurking. Amid the chaos and cruelty of the Games, Coira discovers what it means to truly live, to fight for something greater than herself, and to experience love in a way she never imagined. The River's Daughter is a story about finding joy, strength, and connection even when the world seems to have taken everything away.
This is entirely my own work, with the exception of the original Hunger Games characters, who obviously belong to Suzanne Collins.