In the heart of the Neelum Valley, amidst the
breathtaking mountains of Kashmir, "Hayat" unfolds the journey of a soul tethered to the past, struggling to find peace in the present. Saifullah Khan weaves a story oflonging, introspection, and the delicate balance between remembering and letting go. As the protagonist finds themselves caught between cherished memories and present blessings, they come to understand that what has passed-people, moments, even faith-never truly returns. The only path forward is embracing the here and now, allowing the future to unfold. But, letting go of the past isn't easy. The past has a way of chasing you down, demanding attention, and reminding you of what it couldn't achieve. As you race to escape, it becomes relentless, feeding on the emotions it left unfulfilled. Only by reconciling with it can one finally break free.
A feeling hard to express
A beautiful feeling you can't confess
Sometimes you feel like it is a mess
But at the end it is a bless
True, I agree that it is hard to have someone in your heart but can't have them in your arms. But I would happily fall for him a thousand more times
"Though you left me alone on the path I dreamed of walking with you, I would still wait standing there hoping you would come someday" --(Just my thoughts)
Hey lovely readers!
A collection of short poems written by a 15 year old amateur writer and a poet who puts her heart in her writings. I hope you find my writings attractive.
This work is truly based on my own thoughts. So kindly don't copy
Happy reading
Most Impressive Rankings
# 1 in poetry
# 1 in thoughts and feelings
# 2 in love poems
# 3 in poem book
# 3 in poem collection
#3 in Late nights
# 4 in poetry collection
# 4 in midnight memories
# 6 in Solitary
#26 in Him