In the beginning, the world was a realm of wonder and peril, where gods, magical creatures, and humans coexisted. This era was known as Before the Great Event (BG). For thousands of years, the gods walked among mortals, bestowing blessings and curses, while magical creatures roamed freely. Harmony and conflict were intertwined, as the powers of magic were both revered and feared.
As the centuries passed, the gods, weary of the ceaseless strife, retreated to the Divine Realm. This marked the rise of House Valerian, a dynasty that ruled with an iron fist, driving magical creatures into the Wild Forest. The fall of House Valerian heralded the emergence of the seven great houses from the Northern, Crown's Landing, Rivermist, Desertreach, Seabreeze, Stone's Mount, and the Isles of Kraken regions, marking the dawn of the Seven Kingdoms of Nocrase.
During this tumultuous period, the seven houses ruled their respective kingdoms, each vying for supremacy. The sound of conquest echoed through the lands as a young warrior named Axon from the island of Adila, alongside his formidable wife Veronya, began their conquest of the Seven Kingdoms of Nocrase. Their banners flew high as they swept through the lands, their names becoming legends.
Following their triumphant conquest, Axon and Veronya established their rule, marking the beginning of the House Danvers reign. This era was known as After the Great Event (AG). Their reign continued to shape the world, bringing stability and a new order to the once-fractured lands.
The legacy of Axon and Veronya endured, as their descendants upheld the values of strength and unity. The Seven Kingdoms of Nocrase, though diverse and often at odds, found a semblance of peace under the watchful eyes of House Danvers. The tales of their conquests and governance became the foundation of Nocrase history, inspiring generations to come.