In the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, where cursed energy determines the fate of sorcerers and curses alike, two extraordinary first-year students arrive at Tokyo Jujutsu High: Ainz and Tiamat, siblings cloaked in mystery and unrivaled power. Unbeknownst to their peers, they are not ordinary sorcerers but beings from another dimension, transported from the virtual world of *Yggdrasil* into this dangerous reality. Disguised as brother and sister, Ainz and Tiamat quickly rise as legends within the jujutsu community.
Ainz, with his skeletal form and immense knowledge of curses and strategy, is a calculating sorcerer whose command over cursed energy makes him a force to be reckoned with. Standing beside him is Tiamat, the true Mother of Monsters, a being of overwhelming power and grace. Her connection to monstrous entities is not self-proclaimed but intrinsic to her very being, making her one of the most formidable sorcerers in history. Her beauty and commanding aura captivate all who meet her, drawing both men and women-sorcerers and curses alike-into an intense web of admiration, obsession, and rivalry.
Despite their guise as first-year students, the siblings' power surpasses even the most experienced jujutsu sorcerers. Ainz, as Tiamat's fiercely overprotective older "brother," constantly shields her from the advances of admirers and the dangers of their new world. His protective instincts often lead to humorous yet intimidating encounters, as he ensures no one-human or curse-dares to harm or overstep with his beloved sister.
As Tiamat's unintentional allure sparks rivalries and chaotic infatuations, the siblings must balance their overwhelming strength with the need to conceal their true origins. Together, they face the unique challenges of their new reality: battling curses, forging alliances, and uncovering the mysteries of the jujutsu world.
"You are mine," He murmured across my skin. He inhaled my scent deeply and kissed the mark he gave me. I shuddered as he lightly nipped it. "Danny, you are mine and only mine, you understand?"
Daniella Saunders had a pretty rough life. After being heartbroken and betrayed by both her father and her boyfriend, Danny moves to a small town to find the comfort of her mother. Everything is not what it seems and soon, Danny finds herself in the middle of a world she didn't even knew existed outside of fiction novels and movies. Not only does the town seem bizarre, but her senses heighten, her temper is out of control, and her hunger amplify. Throw in an arrogant, selfish, sexy, possessive player who didn't even want her in the first place, her life just seamlessly attract madness. Especially with those creepy threats coming from a "Silver Bullet", she can't keep still.