Six months ago, the world changed forever. A cryptic broadcast heralded humanity's "evolution," unleashing a wave of destruction: cities crumbled, monstrous creatures like the pack-hunting Lampdogs emerged from the shadows, and the lucky ones found a swift end. Now, Thamias Ambient is no longer entirely human. Transformed into an "OverRider," he wields incredible power, but this newfound strength draws him into a desperate fight for survival against both the savage beasts and the shadowy organization known as the Storm who unleashed them. Teaming up with Echo, a hardened warrior with deadly precision, and Cristina Valdez, a defiant fighter guarding dangerous secrets, Thamias embarks on a perilous journey to infiltrate the Factories-heavily fortified Storm strongholds scattered across the wasteland. Within their walls lie answers about the mysterious O.R. particles driving the forced evolution, the origin of the monsters, and the truth behind Thamias's own transformation. But as they face relentless attacks from both monstrous hordes and well-armed Storm soldiers, Thamias must confront a terrifying question: is the power to survive worth the risk of becoming the very thing he fights against? In a world where survival is no longer enough, alliances will be forged and broken, blood will stain the wasteland, and Thamias will discover that true evolution is a battle for the very soul of humanity.
نشا في شوارع وحيد بين الطراقات لا ام تحن عليه و لاب يخاف عليه و لاعائله ك باقي الاطفال مختلف بكثير من النواحي عن من بعمره صامت اوه و كم أن الصمت له دور كبير بحياته يسمعهم و يسمع همساتهم لكن هل يستطيع الرد عليهم لا كان الصمت يجعله هادئ
سكن مع عائله أبيه على أنه خادم اي بستماي و يعمل اعمل كهذه كي يبقى بمكان يؤيه في المنزل الكبير جديه و أعمامه
أما أبيه فهو سيعود إلى منزل عائلته بعد سنين و سيكون هذا اول لقاء له مع أبيه الذي سمع عنه و رآه فقط من خلف شاشه التلفاز
لنرى لقائهما و كيف سيكون