In the heart of a rapidly gentrifying city, 16-year-old Alex Morales is struggling to preserve the identity of their neighborhood. Once vibrant with culture, community, and history, Alex's home is being erased by developers, rising rents, and trendy cafes. When their family's beloved bodega is forced to close, Alex decides they've had enough. Along with their best friends-a shy artist named Noah, fiery activist Jade, and tech-savvy Riley-Alex starts an underground movement: painting bold, thought-provoking murals around the city that challenge the status quo.
The murals-created anonymously and signed only as The Muralists-begin to gain attention online and in the news. Each one tells a story of the community's struggles: displacement, inequality, and forgotten history. But as their movement grows, so does the risk. The group's art puts them at odds with powerful developers, law enforcement, and even their own families.
When a mural goes viral after exposing the illegal practices of a wealthy real estate mogul, the stakes skyrocket. The Muralists find themselves hunted by those who want to silence them, forcing Alex and the group to decide what they're willing to sacrifice for the truth.
She walks in like the epitome of black girl luxury, but pain follows her. She covers it with bust-down jewelry and white roses.
He's quiet, but his presence is loud in itself. Everyone knows him, but she sees right past him.
She's confident, but he's more confident. She's fierce, but he makes her cower.