Title: When We Meet Again
Diya Mehra, an ordinary office worker, leads a quiet and uneventful life. But everything changes when she meets her new boss, Rudra Roy, who turns out to be her high school senior. Years ago, Diya accidentally sent Rudra a confession letter meant for someone else, leading to a series of misunderstandings that forced her into a reluctant "servant" role for him. Despite their quirky and bittersweet moments, Diya abruptly transferred schools, leaving Rudra behind with unresolved feelings.
A decade later, their paths cross again. Rudra, now a successful CEO, has been secretly nursing his feelings for Diya all these years. But Diya, oblivious to his past emotions, only remembers him as the mischievous senior who made her life chaotic. As the two reconnect, Rudra's attempts to win Diya's heart lead to hilarious misunderstandings, heartfelt confessions, and moments of undeniable chemistry. Will they overcome the ghosts of their past to create a future together?