In an alternate world of RWBY, two brothers-not by blood but by a bond stronger than family-find themselves navigating the perilous world of Remnant. Red, a skilled but headstrong assassin, and Electro, a swordsman with a the will of lightning, fight side by side against the monstrous Grimm, ruthless villains, and the shadows of their own pasts. Together, they face unimaginable challenges, pushing their limits and testing their unwavering loyalty to one another. As destiny weaves an unpredictable path, the brothers must rely on their unbreakable kinship to endure the darkness threatening to consume them and all of Remnant. In this tale of courage, resilience, and brotherhood, they prove that even in the face of overwhelming odds, true strength comes from standing together.
(This story is a remake of Agent RED's brothers of Remnant. If you want to check it out, follow his account @ademTorres)
From what I've seen, there aren't many good English fanfics about Gi-hun and In-ho (aka the Front Man). After watching season 2, it's clear that both characters have the potential for an amazing fanfic.
Masked Intentions is set to follow a story where In-ho (the Front Man) actually has a secret fondness for Gi-hun. Torn between his duty to the games and his feelings, In-ho makes a dangerous decision. He decides to go undercover as Player 001. Hidden behind a mask of vulnerability instead of his actual mask, his sole mission is to protect Gi-hun, no matter the cost (even if this means losing his own employees).
But the deadly trials of the Squid Game don't make it easy, and the closer In-ho gets to Gi-hun, the harder it becomes to hide his true identity-or his growing attachment. As alliances form and secrets unravel, the stakes rise higher than ever.
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