"Наследникът" - епична приказка за магия, тайни и любов.
Адриан, млад принц, принуден да заеме трона на Ноазилис, открива, че короната носи не само отговорности, но и проклятия от миналото. Мистериозната вещица Дореса, тайните на неговата майка и връзката му с приятелката му Лиз вплитат съдбите на всички в опасна игра на лоялност, магия и любов.
Докато кралството се изправя пред сенките на своето минало, Адриан и Лиз трябва да преодолеят препятствия, да разкрият истини и да се борят със собствените си чувства. Ще могат ли те да надмогнат проклятието и да спасят както себе си, така и тези, които обичат?
Свят, изпълнен с магия, напрежение и неочаквани обрати - „Наследникът"- очаквай неочакваното.
Blossom in Adversity (TV Drama Title)
Cherishing Hua Zhi (Original Novel Title)
After hiding her skills for fifteen years, Hua Zhi thought she could live a peaceful life as a proper daughter of a prestigious family. However, when the Hua family's fortune began to decline, she had to reveal her true abilities to support the crumbling household.
It became common for her to step forward and take charge, to gallop on horseback, and even to carry a coffin with her siblings to face desperate situations. Her reputation as someone not to be crossed spread throughout the city of Beijing.
She was prepared for the possibility of her family turning against her, and she was prepared to grow old alone. What she didn't expect was for someone to don armor and pledge a lifetime to her before heading off to battle!
It was quite rare for someone to dare marry her in this world!