The story follows Double 05.5, a disgraced former Secret Service agent, who was dismissed after his relentless obsession with the unsolved murder of John Pork, a man of intrigue and secrecy. What the public didn't know was that John Pork wasn't just a quirky public figure-he was the head of a covert organization known only as The Eye of Rahh 🪬, a group so clandestine that even governments struggle to understand their purpose.
The Eye of Rahh operates in the shadows, with whispers of their influence reaching into politics, technology, and society's most guarded secrets. Rumors claim they are omnipresent, always watching, always planning. The government's official stance is denial of their existence, but behind the scenes, they work tirelessly to suppress any information about the organization, its members, or its motives.
John Pork's murder at a public event was a seismic moment, one the government scrambled to bury. Witnesses were silenced, records erased, and Double 05.5 was removed from his position when he refused to drop his unauthorized investigation. Now, years later, 05.5 is an outcast, consumed by the mystery of The Eye of Rahh and John Pork's death.
With his enigmatic partner, Silent, who speaks only through gestures and expressions, 05.5 embarks on a rogue investigation, piecing together fragments of the truth. The duo finds themselves hunted not only by their former colleagues but by unseen forces tied to The Eye of Rahh, who seem to anticipate their every move.
The deeper they dig, the more 05.5 realizes that nothing is as it seems. The Eye of Rahh isn't just a secret organization-it's a labyrinthine force pulling the strings of reality itself. Every clue leads to a dead end or raises more questions. Each ally might be an enemy in disguise. And the closer 05.5 thinks he's getting to the truth, the more the truth slips away, hidden behind layers of deception and manipulation.
Mikhaiah Story
Every Sunday or Saturday update
Kapag hindi busy gagawa na agad ako
Hindi nato magiging wrong grammar
"Why don't you just leave her alone?"
- Maloi
"You. Why don't you just leave the world?." - Aiah
"Aiah please stop bothering her"
- Sheena
"The more you try to stop me, the worse it gets." - Aiah
"Please don't bothering mikha again"
- Stacey
"Ohh sorry but i love her." - Aiah
"Why you come back?" - Mikha
"Don't act like a blind mikha lim" - Aiah
"no one can say no me. and i come back to take what's mine" - Aiah