Your all alone in your head and it's okay. You don't need anyone else you bring yourself down even though your pretty no matter what anyone says. Your brilliant and precious you don't have too listen too anyone but yourself. People say your not popular who cares your your fabulous your one of a kind. Don't be like everyone else just be yourself, party alone it doesn't matter as long as you have yourself. Live life knowing you matter cause you do and you always will. Your funny and expressive laugh by yourself don't rely on strangers. Your cared for no matter what by family or friends. And if your afraid too be yourself its okay if people make fun of you for it its cause they can't be you. They all with too be you cause they can't. Your mind is a beautiful wonderland no one can hurt you in your dreams cause you control them and always will. You will always have people who will be holding you back leave them behind take the people who help you with you. leave the people who won't help you.All Rights Reserved