(This is a battle shonen manga style cosmic horror action novel, with a blend of twisted humor!)
Ini beningging of the year 2020, also known as "The year of awakening", it all started when a fucking meteorite lands on the most fucked up place in the US "Ohio".
Then, people around the world began gaining powers out of a sudden, not triggered by anything else. They can able to summon according to what they want, or based on their subconscious, some of them can conjure a ball of explosive flames, can control things around then telekinetically, or sometimes enhance some parts of their body.
These shitty individuals are considered to be potentially a world threat, due to their capabilities, so a branch of UN was made, an organization made to kill these superpowered assholes, they are called "Newts" or Neutralizers.
Sometimes, the enemies of the Newts are not just those a bunch of overpowered bozos, but also a seemingly shadowy semi corporeal entity which is always mindlessly hostile. These "Corrupteds" are formerly humans, who died with an extreme negative feelings such as hatred, sadness, fear, and rage.
Normann, a man who is no stranger than violence, a constant victim of hatred and bullying, no longer human as he became a half corrupted, is on a constant battle against the entity from the Outervoid to which he may think that entity was the responsible of all the things happening to the other individuals turning into extraordinaries.