Genre: Dark Fantasy, Psychological, Adventure
In a world ruled by animals and torn apart by environmental collapse, Zarix Hare battles more than just a fractured society - he battles himself. His darkest emotions have taken form as living, dangerous clones, each wielding the power of Red Hand Getto, capable of erasing him from existence. Haunted by his depression, anger, and suicidal thoughts, Zarix struggles to unlock the power of the Terribles - mythical beings of truth and love.
With only his sentient childhood teddy bear, Tryphon, and a fierce rebel messenger named Eris by his side, Zarix is thrust into a deadly conflict between two forces: Reax Dominus, an extremist seeking to transform humanity into beasts to save the planet, and the vengeful bird Draximus, who aims to wipe out humans entirely.
But the greatest battle lies within. To save humanity, Zarix must confront his Personifications and accept the very parts of himself he's tried to destroy.
Zarix Hare is a gripping tale of mental health, identity, and the fight to find light in a world consumed by darkness.