This story follows Liana, a young fashion designer who felt drained and stuck in her work. One day, she decided to take a break in a natural park where she encountered an Eastern Tiger Butterfly with its vibrant colors and intricate patterns. This encounter inspired her to create a dress that mirrored the butterfly's beauty. Despite the challenges she faced in balancing boldness and delicacy in her design, Liana continued working with passion. Eventually, she showcased her design at a local exhibition, where it was met with admiration. The dress became a symbol of inspiration, a reminder that even the smallest moments can transform into timeless works of art.
This story is of Mr.Wolf( Mafia King) and Niharika (Mafia Queen). Nobody knows her face as Mafia Queen because she always wears a mask. One side of her is innocent and naive but the other side is fearless and strong. Mr.Wolf is known as a ruthless and emotionless person.
The story is about:
•Mafia King X Mafia Queen
•Forced Marriage
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