Title: The Sweetheart and the Racer
In the heart of a bustling city, a ballerina named Lila spends her days practicing her delicate art at the theater, always in motion, her life a graceful dance. One day, during a rare break, she wanders into a bookstore, looking for inspiration for a new dance. It's there she meets Sebastian, a brooding, mysterious man with a passion for Formula 1 racing, known for his speed and precision. Their first interaction is brief but magnetic, and they quickly form an unlikely connection.
As they begin to spend more time together, their bond deepens. Sebastian, though enigmatic, is incredibly kind and thoughtful. He invites Lila to his apartment, where he prepares a beautiful dinner for her, showcasing his hidden talent for cooking. His genuine care and attention to detail are endearing, earning him her affectionate nickname: "Sweetheart."
But as the days pass, Lila's world begins to unravel. Strange things happen-Sebastian's rapid healing, his inability to be out in the daylight for long, and a lingering coldness in his touch that she can't quite explain. The truth is revealed one fateful night: Sebastian is a vampire, hiding in plain sight, always keeping his distance to protect her from the dangers of his eternal existence.
Now Lila must decide if she can reconcile her love for him with the dark, dangerous truth of what he really is, all while balancing her own career and dreams of becoming a "runway bride," symbolizing the delicate line between love, trust, and the unknown.
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How could such a good girl fall for a vampire (kylia)
21 parts Ongoing
21 parts
Malia a normal 17 year old girl in high school who lives with her dad who's a police man. she doesn't know her life is about to change once she meets a girl and falls for her But little does she know this girl has a big secret.
Kylie is a 125 year old vampire she doesn't care about anyone or anything until she meets Malia she can't help but feel for her even though she paints her self to be heartless.
Kylie has a plan to avenge her dead lover but finds complications along the way.