When, Duck Sight, the last elder of the clan has passed on without sorrow she is reincarnated into a life born of the same clan but what's this...Her and her kin's father had already had a mate. Grim, their mother, was filled with shame, of course she had not known at the time. Now having to raise her three guppies with a distanced father and nothing but her love she is forced to work harder than ever before.
The now reborn protagonist, Rising Gup must tread through life in assisting her mother and holding her name to a higher standard. She must run through the barriers others have made around her family just because of how she came to be.
She may be the youngest of her litter but she is the strongest cat her clan's history will ever know.
This is the story of she, The Child of The Sun, the cat that changed Warden's Perch forever.