"All I can hear is the roaring tides of the celestial sea, our ship, the Pequod sails through the cosmic expanse of deep space in search of resources for our dying world.
I am the First Mate of the Pequod, Alison Starbuck, me, and four other Mariners are tasked with this important mission, we are the last hope humanity has for rebuilding our earth.
Our mission seemed like a success, we gathered a bunch of resources from a planet similar to our own, with these foods, minerals, and other necessities, rebuilding is gonna be a piece of cake.
But something feels wrong, I feel like we're going the wrong way, these celestial bodies don't look anything like the celestial bodies we charted through on our way here.
Captain Hunter says it's just because the bodies are moving at an accelerated rate, but I'm not sure of her assessment is correct, we've only been sailing for a year, those planets and stars couldn't have gotten that far, Second Mate Samsa says there might have been a black hole that ate up those celestial bodies but that should have taken 500 years at the very least, it just doesn't make sense.
Co Captain Trish says she's been hearing the Captain babble a lot in her Cabin about wanting to find something but I'm not sure what she's looking for, all resources and valuables are accounted for.
Cabin Watch Vivian also reports sounds coming from the vents, we assume it's a busted pipe but Third Mate is sure everything is up to code.
I'm... uneasy about the success of this mission, but nevertheless, I am determined, after all, we're the last hope of humanity, we can't falter now..."
This was the second to last excerpt in a digital diary our recovery crew found at the ravage site of the star cruiser Pequod after it crashed onto Nantucket.
Whereabouts of the captain and crew as well as their cargo; Unknown...
|| #1 in Wattpride ||
Angels and demons have been integrated into society. Humans know of their existence and welcome them. However, "halfies", or children of two different species such as half-demon and half-human, are looked down on for not being "pure." Axel is an eighteen-year-old high school senior who has been haunted by the figure of a man in his dreams since young. Being half-human and half-angel, Axel has felt the brunt of society's discrimination against halfies. But, when a new demon comes into power over Hades and Earth is invaded, Axel loses everything in the chaotic warzone and finds himself beside a powerful angel soldier who is stone cold but feels ever so warm to Axel who begins to wonder if the angel holds the key to the reason behind his haunting dreams.
- BREAKING SOULS (coming soon)
No prior knowledge is required to read ANGEL'S LANDING! Enjoy.
| #1 in Wattpride - 2024.06.03
| #1 in angels and demons - 2025.03.02
| #2 in halfangel - 2024.07.14
| #4 in combat - 2024.07.16