Sophie visits her ailing grandmother in the hospital and discovers a diary titled "The Silent Lunar," which narrates the life of Khizan, a man who overcame immense struggles. Khizan's journey unfolds through tales of his resilience as he balanced studies, work, and emotional hardships, including betrayal by friends and being disowned by his father. Despite these challenges, he founded the Mahaclipius Society to help students heal, share ideas, and find their potential. His life, marked by joy and tragedy, showcases his unwavering determination to bring change and inspire others.
After losing a close friend in a tragic accident and facing the destruction of his dreams, Khizan falls into despair. However, with the support of friends and a life-changing dream of his late companion, he finds the courage to heal and move forward. His journey, filled with lessons of love, loss, and resilience, inspires Sophie to embrace life's challenges with strength and hope, leaving her deeply connected to her grandmother's past and Khizan's extraordinary story.