In this high-stakes crossover between show Arrow and the film Man of Steel, Oliver Queen's grounded world of vigilante justice collides with the awe-inspiring power of Kryptonian threats. The story begins with the shocking global declaration from General Zod, demanding the surrender of Kal-El. The world holds its breath as Superman emerges to face the alien menace, but in the shadows of Starling City, Oliver and Team Arrow realize that this conflict will reach far beyond Metropolis.
As Zod's invasion unfolds, Oliver reluctantly joins forces with Superman, grappling with the massive scale of alien threats that challenge his perception of heroism. With the help of Felicity, Diggle, and an expanding roster of allies-including Batman, Wonder Woman, and the Flash-the heroes race against time to thwart Zod's plans.
But as the dust settles, a darker force looms: Brainiac and Darkseid are watching, and Earth's troubles are far from over. With Lex Luthor pulling strings from behind the scenes and mysterious figures like Deathstroke wielding alien technology, the battle evolves into a larger war for the planet's survival.
This story weaves the gritty, street-level tactics of Arrow with the epic, cosmic battles of Man of Steel, creating a narrative where heroes must rise above their differences to form a united front against overwhelming odds. It's a tale of trust, teamwork, and the dawn of the Justice League.
In which, a 15 year old signs up to play the games, unknowing of the friendships she'd make and the people she'd lose.
( published 11/10/2021 )
( completed 18/10/2021 )
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