In a world where secrets linger beneath every shadow, one soul begins as ordinary as any other. A simple existence, unaware of the unseen forces that shape the world and the mysteries that stir in the depths of time. Yet, the rising tide of change whispers in the air - machines, hidden powers, and ancient knowledge just beyond reach. Drawn into a web of unexplainable events and dangerous knowledge, our protagonist's path will slowly unravel, leading them into a world where cosmic truths defy mortal understanding. With each step, they will confront forces that challenge their very nature, and their journey will forge a new destiny -one that reaches far beyond the boundaries of ordinary existence. As their world teeters between the known and the unknown, the search for truth will awaken something ancient within. But the question remains: will they survive the journey - or become part of the very mystery they seek to understand? ____________________________________________ Note: This is a Lord of Mysteries fanfiction inspired by the world and themes of the original work. Recommended for readers who have completed Lord of Mysteries and Circle of Inevitability to avoid spoilers related to the larger plot.All Rights Reserved