Y/N, known as Number Eight of the Umbrella Academy, has the power to control shadows. Despite her unique abilities, she's always felt like an outsider among her siblings. She's quiet, drawn to nature, and finds comfort in her only friend a brown tabby cat named Chocolate.
The story begins when Five returns from the apocalypse, trapped in his teenage body but carrying the mind of a 58-year-old man. Y/N and Five have always shared a deep but unspoken connection since they were kids, yet neither of them has been able to express it.
As the team deals with looming threats, rifts in reality, and their own dysfunction, Y/N and Five grow closer, their bond deepening as they rely on each other in moments of vulnerability. Y/N's powers become crucial in stabilizing a growing tear in reality, but they also take an emotional and physical toll on her.
Throughout the story, Y/N grapples with her feelings of isolation, her fear of hurting others (especially animals), and her growing trust in Five. The narrative explores her internal struggles, her bond with Five, and her unique connection with her cat, Chocolate, as they all navigate the chaos surrounding them.