When a rogue Covenant fleet, led by the fanatical Prophet Ral'Koth, inadvertently stumbles into the Expanse universe, humanity finds itself on the brink of a war it never anticipated. Armed with powerful alien technology and a religious zealotry that borders on madness, the Covenant begin their invasion of the Solar System, attacking Mars and threatening Earth's very existence.
The crew of the Rocinante-Captain James Holden and his diverse crew-become humanity's first line of defense after a failed mission to infiltrate a Covenant ship. With the Covenant forces adapting to humanity's defenses and devastating Mars' fleet, the fragile alliances between Earth, Mars, and the Belt are tested like never before.
United by the threat of extinction, the factions of humanity must work together to decipher the Covenant's technologies and weapons while navigating complex political divides. As Covenant forces advance, it's up to Avasarala, Holden, and an unlikely coalition of Earth's leaders, Martians, and Belters to strategize a defense against a technologically superior enemy that will stop at nothing to annihilate humanity.
This epic crossover between Halo and The Expanse explores humanity's resilience in the face of an alien force far beyond anything they've encountered, testing the limits of their unity and pushing them into a fight for their very survival.