As part of a prestigious scientific competition, Viktor, a solitary genius plagued by a terminal illness, is forced to collaborate with Jayce, a brilliant but impulsive engineer, and Maya, a passionate but unpredictable inventor.
The winner of the contest wins a colossal sum of money that could save Viktor's life.
But the road to victory is fraught with obstacles. While Jayce and Viktor find themselves caught in a dance between attraction and confrontation.
In this race against time, the three allies will have to overcome much more than complex equations : their differences, their fears, and perhaps even their own hearts.
(Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn, Ekko, Sky, are present too )
Maya is not from Arcane, I just wanted to create a character to add interesting possibilities for certain scenes lol. I didn't describe her physically much to let your imagination run wild !
PS : attention may deal with sensitive topics at certain times : domestic violence, death...
I hope you will enjoy it, good reading.
Written for Ineffable Husbands Week 2019
Day One: Dancing/Music
Day 2: Rain/Storm/Downpour
Day 3: Fall/Plummet/Dive
Day 4: Senses: Touch/Sight/Hearing/Taste/Smell
Day 5: Battle/Fight/Argue
Day 6: Trip/Drive/Destination
Day 7: Eternity/Destiny/Ineffable