In the aftermath of Sukuna's reign of terror, the world teeters on the brink of destruction. Megumi Fushiguro, once a pawn in the cursed king's schemes, finds himself trapped in a void between life and death. Here, he confronts the ghosts of his past-Gojo Satoru, his fallen mentor, and Toji Fushiguro, the father who abandoned him. As truths about his father's sacrifices and mistakes come to light, Megumi must reconcile his anger and pain to embrace the strength he inherited from both his bloodline and his bonds with his friends. Meanwhile, the battle against Sukuna rages on, with Yuji Itadori and Maki Zen'in barely holding the line.With newfound resolve and the lingering support of his father's spirit, Megumi returns to the battlefield, unleashing the full power of his Domain Expansion to confront Sukuna in a climactic showdown. Amid the chaos, he discovers not only his own strength but the unbreakable connections that drive him to protect those he loves. This is a story of redemption, resilience, and the fight to reclaim one's identity from the shadows of the past. Will Megumi's return be enough to turn the tide against Sukuna? Or will the cursed king's power prove insurmountable?All Rights Reserved
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