Vedant Rao is a complex and brooding 20-year-old, navigating his first year of college. His raven eyes seem to hold a thousand untold stories, while his black, messy curled hair adds to his enigmatic aura. As an ambivert, Vedant walks a fine line between introversion and extroversion, making him a puzzle to those around him. But beneath his gruff exterior, Vedant is a deeply broken and vulnerable individual, yearning for someone to confide in, someone to lean on and cry with. For now, he stands alone, his emotional scars hidden behind a mask of grumpiness.
"Bikhar jaogi tum."
Ashvika Mehta is the epitome of sunshine, radiating warmth and energy wherever she goes. This 20-year-old college freshman has an effortless charm that makes her irresistible to many, but Ashvika remains unfazed by the attention. Black wavy hairs, chestnut brown eyes. As a true extrovert, she thrives in the spotlight, yet her beauty shines brightest in her compassionate heart. Ashvika is the ultimate confidante, offering a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear that never judges. With a carefree spirit and an infectious smile, she spreads joy and positivity, living life on her own terms and inspiring others to do the same.
"Mere Bikhar jaane par tum samet lena."
Published: 8th November, 2022
Shaurya, the flirty yet most sincere man in existence gets arranged to marry the sweetest and the shyest woman, Rati, kickstarting their love story prior to their marriage.
Though, is it so easy to be with each other when the elderly forbid you to meet the other for some typical Indian superstitions and some false beliefs?
Oh, the trials the star crossed lovers have to go through in this (not so) arranged marriage.
*Extremely fluffy*
(Image used as the cover is not copyrighted by me. Credit goes to the rightful owner of it.)