Cora Green, a 23-year-old woman whose existence is marked by a challenging past, lives in dissatisfaction. She earns her living through a variety of part-time jobs, as she grew up as an orphan without parental support and spent her childhood in various, sometimes problematic, homes. Unbeknownst to her, she is already in the sights of an unknown man.
One evening in the Hamilton Hotel, where her fate will change fundamentally, an unfortunate mishap occurs.
At that moment, the charismatic 27-year-old billionaire James Miller enters her life, impressing her with his care and understanding. But he is by no means ordinary, as he makes her a seemingly absurd offer.
Without knowing his identity or his wealth, she nevertheless agrees. The initially purely business relationship develops into a profound connection.
But appearances are deceptive, because behind the dazzling facade lurk sinister intentions that affect both Cora and James. Yet their love triumphs over each of these adversities, and their story becomes a love story that everyone could hope for.