"first we was touching and just kissing softly..ended up fussing, can you get up off me? pushin' my buttons, you gon' get me started! call me aggressive, i'm just being honest..."
if mirella were to choose one regret she had, it would be letting billie in her life. on paper, billie was everything she wanted in a person: pretty face, perfect body, great music taste, outstanding personality, so on and so forth. but, when you took a deeper look into the picture...the flaws were evident: a drug dealer, manipulative, wandering eyes(especially with mirella's friends), and the list went on.
as for billie? mirella came in at a good sixth place, the top five being drugs, dealing, her family, parties, and other girls. she had love for mirella, she really did but locking in with one girl when there were plenty of other girls who she could fuck with no strings attached or them expecting anything after was a daunting challenge for her.
the pair was a match made in anywhere but heaven. with the constant lovebombing & clashing that turned into ghosting & jabs to make the other jealous only to repeat all over again was their routine, everyone around them knew and expected it. it was only a matter of time things started to unravel, and that time was now.
"it ain't been the same between us, what's the disconnection? you need somethin' else, well, maybe she can do it better! i guess, choose peace over stress..can't clean up your mess. you wanna leave? be my guest."