In the mystical realm of Zodia, the twelve constellations govern the balance of the world, each representing a powerful force tied to the stars. People are born under these signs, and their fates are shaped by the powers and traits of their celestial guardians. But when the gods go silent, the world descends into chaos, and the fragile balance begins to unravel.
Lyra, a skilled but stubborn wanderer born under the adventurous sign of Libra, discovers an ancient prophecy that foretells the return of the Celestial Twelve-a group of chosen individuals, each embodying one of the zodiac signs. Only their unity can awaken the gods and restore peace to Zodia. But Lyra's own connection to the prophecy is uncertain, and she is reluctant to be a part of it.
When she encounters Caelum, a brooding warrior born under Capricorn, the two clash over their mission and their differing views on fate. But as they journey together to find the other twelve, they uncover hidden truths about their world-and their own connection to the stars.
Each of the Celestial Twelve they gather is unique, shaped by the traits of their zodiac sign. But as they grow closer to their goal, they uncover a deeper, more dangerous secret: the gods did not go silent by accident. A 13th constellation, the lost sign of Ophiuchus, betrayed the gods, and now it plans to rewrite the stars, throwing the world into chaos once more.
Bound by fate, love, and destiny, Lyra and Caelum must unite the twelve, awaken the celestial beings, and face the ultimate challenge: the one who leads the ritual to restore the balance will lose their connection to the stars-and with it, their immortality.
Will love and loyalty be enough to overcome the forces that threaten to tear Zodia apart? Or will the Celestial Twelve fall, and with them, the future of the realm?
Stunning and newly divorced, Jade Abara is living a peaceful life happily, avoiding the male species to the best of her ability. But due to her circumstances and catching the eyes of two handsome strangers, things are about to change.