Trigger warning; character death, gore(?), su!cide (at least mentioned), cannibalism, extremely sensitive topics, and a lot more.. (edit this list later!)
In this world, there's three kinds of demons(?) here.. phighters, deity's, and.. others. It was an honest and peaceful day.. but amidst a phight happening, Coil and Rocket notice something off with the swords. Upon taking a closer look, it appears they had been "infected" with something possessively unknown that makes them act even more as insane and batshit crazy as Subspace! Although their experiments go too far and.. tragically, some phighters can't take it.. But, with the power of four survivors who grouped up together, will Coil, Rocket, Banhammer, and Subspace make it out alive and manage to get them under control and revive everybody? Truth? Probably not. But there's at least hope... in there somewhere.. So please, Coil, don't give up. They're counting on you!
written by cutiespace ^w-