In a world once ruled by humanity, peace and prosperity were the cornerstones of civilization. But everything changes when dragons, creatures of unimaginable power, descend from the skies, bringing destruction to the human race. Within mere days, the population is decimated, leaving behind nothing but ashes and ruins.
Amidst the devastation, one human survives-alone in a world that no longer recognizes them. As the last of their kind, they must navigate a new reality, one ruled by dragons, dangerous wildlife, and the constant threat of death. With no other survivors in sight, the human embarks on a solitary journey across a barren Earth, searching for meaning and purpose.
In the heart of an ancient ruin, they stumble upon a mysterious crystal that sends them into an unfamiliar realm, where they encounter a dragon who reveals that their survival may be no accident. Faced with an impossible choice, the human must decide how to shape the future of a world now dominated by dragons.
A tale of loneliness, survival, and destiny, "The Last Human in the World of Dragons" explores what it means to be the last of a species, and whether one human can alter the course of a world now on the brink of a new age.