In a world pushed to its breaking point by humanity's greed, the Earth begins to fight back. Torrential floods drown cities, sentient forests consume highways, and extinct creatures return to reclaim their territory. As civilization crumbles, Lila, a resilient ecologist, leads a group of survivors into an untouched forest, where they uncover ancient ruins warning of humanity's repeated mistakes. Among them is Kurt, a former industrialist whose empire fueled the planet's destruction. Stripped of power, he must confront his guilt and find a way to atone. As storms rage and nature reclaims its dominance, the survivors face a choice: adapt to the planet's rules or face extinction. The Reckoning of Earth is a gripping tale of survival and redemption, weaving themes of environmental justice and humanity's fragile bond with the natural world. In the battle between mankind and Mother Nature, only one can prevail-and Earth always wins. Coming January 29,2025All Rights Reserved
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