In a universe filled with countless species and ancient cultures, Evelyn, a young human scientist, travels to an Asari colony world to work on a joint scientific project. But what begins as a professional venture soon evolves into a life-altering journey when Evelyn enters a secret relationship with a young Asari woman, Talia. The relationship leads to unforeseen consequences, as Evelyn's love for Talia results in her becoming a mother to an Asari daughter, Lyara. Despite the risks of breaking interspecies laws and cultural boundaries, Evelyn refuses to be separated from her daughter and fights to build a family across the stars. As she navigates political unrest, familial challenges, and a society bound by tradition, Evelyn learns that the most profound connection transcends race, culture, and even the laws of the galaxy itself. "Between Worlds" is a tale of love, sacrifice, and the unbreakable bond between a mother and her child, set against the backdrop of the vast, complex universe of Mass Effect.
A Mature content 21 + 🔞 smut part also add please watch on your risk
yn a soft hearted girl who have little space syndrome
jungkook a badboy and a rich brat and a Playboy use girls for pleasure
let's see what will happen
This is my imagination story