After Earth's destruction, humanity's last hope found refuge on the planet Aurion, a utopia for the wealthy and a prison for the poor. Divided by a wall, the Opulents live in luxury, sustained by the relentless labor of the Destitutes. Life for the Destitutes is grueling, but Serafina refuses to accept her place in a world designed to oppress.
Desperate for a glimpse into the forbidden lives of the Opulents, Sera builds an illegal VR headset to watch The Tournament, a high-stakes virtual reality competition reserved for the elite. But when her secret is discovered, her punishment is not what she expects. Instead, the enigmatic Kaira, an Opulent rebel, offers her a chance to join the Ang3ls, a team competing in the very tournament she risked everything to see.
To survive, Sera must hide her identity and pass as one of the Opulents, navigating a web of intrigue and deception both inside and outside the virtual arena. But her journey is about more than survival. Armed with her skills, her courage, and her growing defiance, she becomes the Ang3ls' secret weapon-fighting not just for victory, but to send a message to the world.
As the lines between reality and the virtual blur, Sera discovers that winning the tournament could spark a revolution-or endanger everything she holds dear. For on Aurion, the game isn't just entertainment. It's power. And Serafina is determined to use it to change the world.