Title: "Nine Steps to Redemption"
Aris, a man shaped by his psychopathic tendencies, has always been driven by a hunger he cannot escape. Living a solitary life in Antipolo, he finds solace in his quiet darkness, until one day, his world is changed by Mae, a gentle golf caddie who unexpectedly enters his life. As their bond deepens, Aris begins to feel something he never thought possible: love. But when Mae falls ill and is hospitalized, Aris finds himself alone once again, fighting the terrifying hunger that threatens to consume him.
When Mae returns, Aris faces a choice: let the darkness take over, or fight for the future they could have together. But the arrival of a creature-an embodiment of hunger like Aris-forces him to confront his deepest fears. This creature, a twisted mirror of his past, pulls at the very essence of his soul, testing his resolve. With Mae's unwavering support, Aris must navigate his inner demons, each step bringing him closer to either destruction or redemption.
Over the course of nine transformative chapters, Aris learns that redemption is not a single moment but a series of choices. Each chapter represents a pivotal moment in his journey as he learns to control the hunger that defines him. In the end, Aris discovers that true strength lies not in escaping his darkness, but in learning to live with it-and choosing love, hope, and change instead.
A gripping tale of inner conflict, love, and the courage to choose a different path, "Nine Steps to Redemption" is a powerful story of one man's battle for his soul, and the woman who helps him find his way back to the light.