In a world where nations are embodied as humans, this pirate-themed Hetalia fanfic explores the tangled alliances, rivalries, and bonds forged on the open sea. Set in an era of ruthless tides and daring crews, the story follows Arthur Kirkland and João Silva Ferreira as they navigate both the treacherous waters of the sea and the complexities of their growing relationship.
This story is one of pirates, peril, and the human connections that form in unlikely places. Amidst the comedic banter and dangerous encounters, there is also loss, longing, and the bittersweet realities of life on the open sea. Through storms, betrayal, and heartbreak, Arthur and João will face not only the perils of the sea but also their own fears and desires, fighting to understand what it truly means to be free.
this is an porteng // Portugal x England \\
this is an test type writing thing as I'll try improving as I continue with the story!!
What if Rimuru was instead reborn as a primordial demon; the strongest in combat and intelligence.
He reincarnated just before Star king dragon Veldanava created the omniverse; it was nothing but a void, his soul being exposed just a little to turn null made his soul undergo a change. Making him an individual with a high evolutionary potential