"Underworld Rivals" follows the intense and dangerous lives of two powerful mafia families, the Remingtons and the Knights, as they navigate betrayal, power struggles, and loyalty. Maxwell Remington, a calculated and ruthless leader, and Emilia Knight, a calm and strategic female leader, find themselves on opposing sides in a dark and treacherous underworld. As rival families collide, alliances shift, and secrets unravel, both Maxwell and Emilia must confront their pasts, their values, and their emotions in a world where trust is a luxury and power is everything. Meanwhile, the Blackwood family emerges as a looming threat, testing the strength and survival of both factions. Amidst violence, deceit, and forbidden love, the line between enemy and ally blurs, and only the strongest will prevail.
Note : this is my first novel so kindly ignore tha English mistakes however, read and enjoy the little world by me
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© [2025] [Sassy writtens]. All rights reserved.
This novel is the original work of [Sassywrittens] and is protected under copyright law. It is intended solely for entertainment and reading purposes. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or use of any part of this novel without explicit permission from the author is prohibited.All Rights Reserved