Reincarnated into the Naruto world during the chaos of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, the protagonist is left orphaned and alone in the aftermath. Despite the harsh realities of war, he survives, driven by a mysterious sign-in system that grants him incredible abilities from other worlds each day. While his peers grow under the watchful eyes of their clans, he hones his skills in solitude, becoming stronger with every passing moment.
One fateful day, he encounters Hinata Hyuga, a timid girl from a noble clan, being harassed by bullies. Without hesitation, he steps in to protect her, earning her admiration and sparking a childhood crush. Though unnoticed by most, his quiet strength and growing powers begin to shape his destiny.
As he trains in the shadows, mastering abilities far beyond the reach of ordinary ninjas, he prepares for a future where his presence will no longer be overlooked. With Hinata's quiet support and his unparalleled growth, he sets out on a path to become a legend, not just in Konoha, but across the shinobi world.
A Mature content 21 + 🔞 smut part also add please watch on your risk
yn a soft hearted girl who have little space syndrome
jungkook a badboy and a rich brat and a Playboy use girls for pleasure
let's see what will happen
This is my imagination story