The story begins in 2016, a year after Ace Kaslana - Kamen Rider Geats became the God of Genesis. At a snow-covered shore, Ace is standing there until Tsumuri comes and gives him the Desire Driver and ID Core to become Kamen Rider Geats once again.
Six months later, in Soukai City, Selene, a powerful Anti-Entropy battleship, is heading straight towards Sapphire, a metropolis with around 30 million people in it, totally unmanned. St. Freya Valkyries Kiana Kaslana, Raiden Mei, and Bronya Zaychik are tasked with gaining control of the aircraft and stopping it from crashing into the city while their instructor Murata Himeko is providing aid via comms. Meanwhile at Desire Temple, Tsumuri is observing the ongoing mission on Selene by Kiana Kaslana, Raiden Mei, and Bronya Zaychik until she sees Ace appear and join the mission. Ace had a reunion with his sister, Kiana Kaslana, and her friends. The four of them went on a mission together on Selene to regain control of the battleship.
The mission is completed successfully, but not without twists and turns involving the dormant 3rd Herrscher inside Mei, Bronya's brain chip going haywire, and a mysterious letter hinting at Kiana's future. What will happen in their future, will they be able to successfully end the war with Honkai that has lasted for tens of thousands of years?